• Definitions of anaemia in pregnancy (RCOG 2015, JPAC):
    • First trimester : Hb < 110g/L
    • Second/third trimester: Hb < 105g/L
    • Post-partum: Hb < 100g/L
  • Screen for anaemia at booking and 28 weeks.
  • For all anaemic pregnant women, give a trial of oral iron (100mg-200mg elemental iron / day), and check for Hb rise at 2 weeks.
  • Intra-operative cell salvage is recommended for all pregnant women where blood loss is expected to induce anaemia or is >20% of the estimated blood volume.
    • RhD prophylaxis for ICOS in RhD-negative women requires a minimum dose of 1500IU anti-D immune globulin following reinfusion of salvaged cells.
    • Tests of FMH are required after 30-40 minutes following reinfusion.
  • Blood products should be:
    • ABO/RhD compatible.
    • Kell negative (unless the woman is known to be K positive).
    • If there are any alloantibodies, the blood must be negative for the corresponding antigen.
    • CMV seronegative, unless blood is required emergently an no CMV-negative units are available.
  • In extreme emergencies, O- blood should be given, although it may be incompatible with other red cell alloantibodies.
  • For pregnant women in the UK, group and screen samples are sent at booking and at 28 weeks.
  • For women at high risk of emergency transfusion (e.g. placenta praevia), GXM samples should be sent weekly to exclude or identify new alloantibody formation (RCOG 2015).